High School Senior Photography

I am behind on posting about photoshoots taken at the end of fall.

This photoshoot is of a Senior who is an assistant director for his school plays! I was impressed, that sounds like a big job. I enjoy getting to know these young people as I work with them. Everyone has their own story. I love celebrating them through photography!

So Coco wasn’t meant to be in the photos, but at the end she ran and gave her young man a hug and it ended up being a favorite! Animals are fantastic and brought out a fun side of this Senior.  

Branding Photography

What is a Branding Session? 

A branding session is photography specifically designed with you and your business in mind, it is more than a headshot.  We talk about your brand and the message you are sending your potential clients.  Through backgrounds, clothing and posing I design a Photography session to achieve the “look” that explains that message. If you have products, designs or spaces that are important in your business, we incorporate those photos also.  My goal is to give you a collection of photographs with imagery that best fits you and your business.

Here is a quick example of how I put together a Branding Session for myself!

Why do I love doing branding sessions? 

I enjoy the creativity that comes from chatting with others about their businesses.  Hearing about their motivation to have a small business, and what keeps them going.  It’s so fun to collaborate one-on-one about options, and details, and how to reach their goals!  We make a plan together about how the photos are going to be used.  On the day of the session we look at the back of the camera together and make changes to get the perfect shot!  

Learn more about building your branding session with me by checking out my Business Portfolio

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